quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2020

Fundador abre o jogo sobre a SAP

20.5.2020 em Baguete.com.br

Para Hasso Plattner, a integração de companhias de SaaS adquiridas falhou e a empresa está dividida entre Estados Unidos e Alemanha.

Hasso Plattner, atual presidente do conselho de administração da SAP, abriu o jogo em uma longa entrevista com o Handelsblatt, o maior jornal de economia da Alemanha, criticando abertamente parte da estratégia adotada pelo ex-CEO, Bill McDermott, ao longo de uma década no cargo, principalmente no tocante a aquisições.

“Nós compramos algumas empresas porque eles tinham uma quantidade bacana de usuários. Isso não é o suficiente”, afirmou Plattner, que não costuma ter papas na língua nem poupar a SAP de críticas, mas dessa vez foi duro, mesmo para os seus padrões.

Segundo Plattner, o último dos cinco fundadores envolvidos diretamente na SAP, a estratégia de McDermott de manter as companhias adquiridas nos Estados Unidos com uma atuação independente gerou um conflito com a matriz alemã, além de problemas de integração tecnológica.

Plattner chegou a citar como exemplo de uma política de integração de empresas adquiridas da concorrente Oracle, o que é um requinte de crueldade.

“Tão logo a Oracle compra uma empresa, os chefes antigos vão para casa. Isso foi assim inclusive com o CEO da Sun. E isso nós devemos fazer no futuro, porque só existe um caminho: o da integração”, disse Plattner. “A integração na SAP não funciona, isso é um fato”, concluiu Plattner.



Live SAP Inside Track Brasil

Inside Track is a conference about SAP solutions organized by SAP Community members.
SAP professionals will perform lectures of respective expertise that traditionally are onsite hosted in a City of Brazil and many countries around the world from over 11 years.

Full Agenda of Live Inside Track Event:

SAP Community Blog Post

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2020

Semana Dados Solidários

Semana Dados Solidários

25 de maio de 2020, 19h - 29 de maio de 2020, 09h30

Será na semana de 25 a 29 de Maio de 2020 às 19h, compartilharemos com amigos, interessados em dados e toda a comunidade, muito conhecimento e troca de experiências em lives todos os dias no canal do YouTube do Grupo GPDI Brasil.


Evento online

domingo, 3 de maio de 2020

Automation of Exchange Rate Feed-in SAP

by: Raghavendra Pandey

sábado, 2 de maio de 2020

SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC) – Speedometer

By:  Venkateswaran (Venkat) Krishnamurthy

SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC) – Speedometer


When it comes to present data in the understandable way, charts & graphs are coming to mind first. There are many ways to present the data. They are specific to the data and person how he/she would like to see. However to present a monitoring kind of data, speedometer is one of those to highlight the status.
In this section, I would like to present how a speedometer can be displayed in SAC application dashboard.
The SPEEDOMETER‌ Chart is just like a speedometer with a needle which shows you a number by pointing it out on the gauge and that needle moves when there is a change in the data. It is basically a single point data – not comparing – but shows with min and max range with appropriate risk attributes.
Note : There may be number of articles available in internet as blog posts. The intention of this document is a self documentation that collects all what we learned and put it one place to refer future and may be helpful to others as well.

sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2020

20 Best MySQL GUI Tools

So What is MySQL?

First things first, you have to know how to pronounce it: MY-ES-KYOO-EL’ [maɪˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl]. Sometimes people call it “my sequel” or other names, but at least you know the official pronunciation. A Swedish company called MySQL AB originally developed MySQL in 1994. The US tech company Sun Microsystems then took full ownership when they bought MySQL AB in 2008. US tech giant Oracle in 2010 acquired Sun Microsystems itself, and MySQL has been practically owned by Oracle since.

In regard to the general definition, MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) with a client-server model. RDBMS is a software or service used to create and manage databases based on a relational model.


A database is simply a collection of structured data. Think of taking a selfie: you push a button and capture an image of yourself. Your photo is data, and your phone’s gallery is the database. A database is a place in which data is stored and organized. The word “relational” means that the data stored in the dataset is organized as tables. Every table relates in some ways. If the software doesn’t support the relational data model, just call it DBMS.

Open source

Open source means that you’re free to use and modify it. Anybody can install the software. You can also learn and customize the source code to better accommodate your needs. However, The GPL (GNU Public License) determines what you can do depending on conditions.

Client-server model

Computers that install and run RDBMS software are called clients. Whenever they need to access data, they connect to the RDBMS server. That’s the “client-server” part.

MySQL GUI tools

MySQL GUI tools are very important to web developers and have an important role in handling projects of data storage and management. MySQL GUI tools will help improve the quality and functionality of web apps and also help you deliver great results.
Most of the MySQL GUI tools showcased in this list have features such as SQL development, administration, database design, creation, and maintenance.
If you feel confused, and don’t know which MySQL GUI tool would be the best choice for your needs, we hope that this list will help you choose the right one for you.
These are some of the best MySQL GUI tools for web developers. Some of them are free, while others are premium. Check them out and start using the one you like the most.
Do you know other great MySQL GUI tools? Let us know in the comment section below.