sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2019

What is the difference between SAP ERP and SAP ECC? Is ECC a component of SAP ERP application?

SAP ERP 6.0 is a product offered by SAP which contains business solutions such as Finance, logistics, HR etc and industry solutions such as Oil and Gas, Insurance, Media, Utilities, Retail etc.

These business solutions are enabled by several technical (software) components. A product is broken down (made modular) into software components because a component is designed for re-usability which means that one can use the same component to build a new product. This results in shorter lead times to deliver a new product. However, a software component alone may not be really a “standalone” software component. For example, in case of a car, piston of its engine by itself is of little use. But the engine made out of it is a major component of the car. Therefore, the components are grouped into a super component. This in SAP ERP world is SAP ECC. Much like the engine of a car, its components cannot be installed separately, you have to install all the sub-components in SAP ECC - the entire engine.

Like a car’s engine consists of pistons, shaft, cylinders, SAP ECC (The engine) consists of several sub components such as Logistics and Accounting(SAP_APPL), Financials (SAP_FIN), Human Resources (SAP_HR) etc. and technical platform components (For example, gasoline car vs diesel car) Application server (SAP_BASIS) and Cross application components (SAP_ABA). Then you get industry specific solution components, names starting with IS-; extensions (Enhancements to standard functionality), component names starting with EA-, so on and so forth. You can explore these sub-components after having logged on to SAP by going to menu option system > status and clicking details button next to the ECC component.
In the image above, you can see that the complete product SAP ERP 6.0 can be configured with several (super) software components but SAP ECC 6.0 is a mandatory one. This requires a minimum of SAP Netweaver 2004 to run.
By Amiya Shrivastava, ABAP Development Professional

2 comentários:

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  2. Fantastic website! Get epicor managed services. Index Infotech empowers businesses with industry-specific Epicor ERP expertise, enabling enterprises to envision.
