sábado, 2 de maio de 2020

SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC) – Speedometer

By:  Venkateswaran (Venkat) Krishnamurthy

SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC) – Speedometer


When it comes to present data in the understandable way, charts & graphs are coming to mind first. There are many ways to present the data. They are specific to the data and person how he/she would like to see. However to present a monitoring kind of data, speedometer is one of those to highlight the status.
In this section, I would like to present how a speedometer can be displayed in SAC application dashboard.
The SPEEDOMETER‌ Chart is just like a speedometer with a needle which shows you a number by pointing it out on the gauge and that needle moves when there is a change in the data. It is basically a single point data – not comparing – but shows with min and max range with appropriate risk attributes.
Note : There may be number of articles available in internet as blog posts. The intention of this document is a self documentation that collects all what we learned and put it one place to refer future and may be helpful to others as well.

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